Hi Everyone,
We are very happy here to report that Ella went happily to school today and actually wanted to stay for the whole day! I even left to go and get her lunch and after giving her the lunch I told her I was going to leave for a little bit. I am not sure Ella even heard the whole thing because she was so busy trying to get to the playground to play. In true Xiao fashion, she managed to finish the entire work page assingment for the day when the rest of the class was just working on one letter at a time. I explained to the teacher at the break the drive these children have to always be first and she laughed and said Ella would fit right in because she has two little boys who always need to be first too! I really cannot say what changed with Ella except that when we arrived home yesterday and went over all the pictures and added the names of some of Ella's classmates and Ella's teacher's name, she seemed a little happier. I think the biggest difference was when she realized that we would be coming home after school. I am not sure she really trusted me when I said I would not leave her at school. Grandma's cookie idea was a big hit too! Ella just basically walked right into class handed the teacher the bag of cookies and looked around for an empty seat. I am so happy for her. When I picked her up, she started crying and was completely exhausted, but I could tell she was happy too. She must have been so relived that she was going home and I am not sure what she was doing at lunch time, but after eating her entire snack of grapes and seaweed I brought, she pulled out her entire lunch! Poor thing. She must have been starving on top of everything. We are set to arrive on time tomorrow and try a real first day of school. I met a lovely Mom at the school who has successfully adopted two times from China and her daughter is in the first grade. We are hoping for a strong day tomorrow and thanks to everyone for their kind words for Ella!
Things sure would be peaceful if.....
15 years ago
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