Hope you are all doing well! I have been talking more and more to Ella about her "Mommy" and interestingly her "Daddy" a word she has learned at school and now wants to associate it to her foster family but cannot make the link. When I ask her to talk about this "Daddy" she can't. When she talks about her "house" in China she will hardly ever mention any individuals by name, but told me today that her BaBa gave her a sucker. Ella also informed me the other day that her "Mommy" is in China and I am not her! Ah, the love! :) We continue to work on our attachment, and again, I am so thankful that she had people that she loved during her time at the orphanage. I am also happy to be able to learn a few things about her foster parents so that I will be able to tell Ella about them when she is older. It sure is funny some of the things she comes up with about her time there. She told me today that she did not have a dog at her house in China like Harley but had a red and green cat but they "flew away" and so they are not there anymore. I told her "I have never heard of such a thing" and she solemnly nodded her head and smiled. I also learned tonight that her "Mommy" had black hair like her and that I have "white" hair. Now, I realize it has been a long time since I have had my roots done, but "white"!! I asked her if she meant brown or yellow and she said no, white. Ok, going to get the roots colored asap! I also learned today that her bathroom in China was so much bigger then her bathroom here and that five people would brush their teeth all together. When I asked her if they were her foster brothers and sisters she said "No" they were "just two boys and three girls and the boys got to go first". I am beginning to understand my daughter's need to be first at everything and I do mean everything! I think one of the funniest things Ella says now is "I wanna try it" when there is some new food or drink and the way she says it has me laughing out loud every time. Unfortunately, we have had very few positive reactions to new foods but she continues to try which is great. Today Ella met my good friend Tina and her daughter Madeline at McDonalds playland and we took our neighbor Paige again for an outing. The girls had a great time so much so that my little one was way over tired tonight and it was the first night it was a bear to get her to go to sleep! Thankfully, Harley tried to jump on the bed to see what the heck she was wailing about and this pretty much snapped her out of the wailing long enough to fall asleep. Thank you Harley!! The two of them are doing much better, and earlier tonight when I dropped a carton of eggs on the floor, Ella came over to pull Harley away by the collar and Harley listened and followed her. Pretty amazing considering Harley weighs 2x as much as little miss Ella. I couldn't be any happier for both of them as they are finally finding their place with each other. Posting some pics of Ella with her neighbor friends....