Hi Everyone,
Ella and I seem to be settling into a good routine. She is doing really good at school and is taking an extra art class on Fridays that she really likes. Our routine at home seems to be helping her in the attachment area as well. Ella laughs out loud when she sees the flag on our street corner and yells "YEAH our house". In fact Ella called me MaMa for the first time on purpose today which was wonderful and hard not to burst out in tears of joy! :) We had a very busy day today with swimming, McDonalds playland and a playdate with our neighbor friend Paige. With Paige, the girls made some tutus and crowns and blew up balloons(pics). Ella is a champ at balloon blowing and helped Paige blow up her first balloon by herself. The girls had a great time and Ella was even willing to go and check out Paige's house to see her room and playroom and wants to put another playdate on the calendar with Paige to have at her house. Grandma stopped by to say hello as well and Ella couldn't have been happier(pic). I heard some hard news for some of my single adoptive friends who heard via rumor mill that the SN program will no longer be available for singles. I had a mini heart attack when I heard this even though I have my daughter home and safe because I could not imagine if I was denied her simply because I was single. I hope this does not happen as there are so many wonderful single parents for these older kids. Although this adoptive path is not for the weak of heart, I am so thankful that I took the leap and found my daughter in the SN program, and sooo very thankful that I opened my heart to an older child. Ella is amazing and I cannot imagine life without her as my daughter. Off to read a book to Ella...our good wishes to all.
"MaMa!" Is there a more amazing word? Congratulations!