Hi Everyone,
Well Ella has had a very busy couple of days full of fun. On Friday they celebrated All Saints day at school and unfortunately, Mom did not receive the memo on dressing up as a saint, so on Thursday as I am dropping Ella off for school I notice other Moms talking about the parade and dressing up. Fortunately, the options were to dress as a saint, Mary or an angel. A quick visit to the Savers store and we had a full Angel outfit ready to go. (pic) Ella had so much fun on Friday with the parade and activities that she pretty much passed out on our way home while she was eating her snack! (pic) Saturday was a "bery bery busy day" according to Ella and I completely agree! We started our day with our tumble and dance class that Ella continues to love and is really thriving in the dance portion. After our dance class, we hurried home to get ready for Halloween and a visit from Aunt Marianne and Grandma and Grandpa who all came over to celebrate the evening. Ella was very excited to dress up as Snow White since we were actually going to do her hair and wear make-up like Snow White. I think the transformation was pretty adorable and she certainly received many "you look just like Snow White" comments from our neighbors. It was really fun to see Ella enjoy the evening and after two houses, she pretty much got the ring the doorbell, say thank-you and get candy routine down!Ella's Aunt Marianne dressed up for the evening and at first Ella didn't want anything to do with her but realized after Aunt Marianne talked to her and took her drag queen wig off that everything was ok. Unfortunately, Mom's costume as a witch didn't go over so good, and I had to quickly take off the costume to avoid a total melt down! :) We had a great evening as the weather was perfect and a full moon to light our way. Hoping you all had a wonderful week-end!
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