Hi Everyone,
Hope you all have had a great week. Ella and I had our usual busy week of school and work but happily had a three day week-end due to teachers conferences at Ella's school. We took advantage of the extra day and headed to Phoenix to visit with our Uncle Chuck and Aunt Kristi and cousin's Charlie and Liam for the day. We had a great time playing at this amazing park in Chandler and Ella was able to swing to her hearts content. The only thing that made the day more fun was that we were headed to Aunt Marianne's house for the night. Ella of course was besides herself to see her Aunt Marianne and happily ran and gave her a huge hug! What a great gift and it was really amazing to see her spontaneous physical show of affection. In fact, Ella started calling me Mommy this week. At first, I couldn't figure out what she was saying, and then once I did, I wondered if she was just trying it out because it is a term I have never used with her. I figure she must have learned this from school from the other kids and has decided that this is the name she will use for me. (Works for me since ungh and hey are beyond annoying at this point!) At lunch today she announced that she had two Mommies and I am so happy that she has finally begun to feel that safety and security that I have been trying so hard to instill in my little one. Ella had another first this week-end when she lost her first tooth!! She was so excited since she loves all things fairy and knew that since she had lost her tooth, the tooth fairy would come and visit. Unfortunately, when nighttime came, the excitement and anticipation turned quickly to fear and Ella didn't want anything to do with the tooth fairy. After waking up three times crying, Mom finally told her that the fairy had already came and left her a silver dollar. Much happier and one silver dollar richer, Ella fell asleep and slept through the night. Today we carved our first pumpkin and Ella insisted that we make a princess face on her pumpkin. She was very happy when it was done, and was amazed when I put the candle inside. I am not sure Ella has ever blown out a candle, because she had no idea what to do and wanted to try it again and again! Our week-end ended with a lovely dinner at her Grandma and Grandpa's house where Ella was able to meet my Aunt T., Aunt Alice and Uncle Bob. Ella was very excited to show off her missing tooth and also demonstrate her new jumping rope talent. She is up to 21 jumps! Pics of our week-end...
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