Hi Everyone,
Hope you all have had a great week! Ella and I have been very busy this week with the usual school and work schedule, but we had a FANTASTIC week-end with our Aunt Marianne! On Friday Ella discovered the fun of making mud pies and how to plant flowers. Actually, the flowers she wanted to plant were weeds that had grown in the yard, but I figure they had already done their damage so might as well stick them in a pot-(first pic). Saturday we officially started with our tumble and ballet class (2nd pic) and Ella was so happy she can't wait for next Saturday. Our fun day continued when Aunt Marianne came to visit and all of us including Grandma went to see Disney on Ice. Unfortunately, I thought it was Princesses on Ice that had come to town and after telling Ella about the Princesses she would see including Snow White she was over the moon with excitement! As the show began, I noticed the banner had no princesses on it and I knew we were in trouble! :) Ella still had a great time even if she asked for Snow White every 15 minutes!! After the show we all headed out for a nice girls only dinner. Today Aunt Marianne offered to take Ella to Grandma and Grandpa's house to make her famous pumpkin cookies and I thankfully took her up on the offer as I desperately needed to clean out the garage. Five hours later and one full recycle can and garbage can along with one SUV full of donations the garage was done. Ella had so much fun with Aunt Marianne and her Grandparents that she didn't want the day to end. We are gearing up for our first birthday celebration on November 7th and am happy to say that all my sisters will be here to help!! Ella has asked to invite all of her class so with her cousins and neighborhood friends we are going to have one busy day. Wishing you all a great week!
Oh my gosh...the whole class??? Hope we have a vat of coffee so we can keep up w/them! Can't wait to see you. J